This template is used for one-on-one feedback sessions between a reviewer and a reviewee. It provides a platform to discuss various aspects of the individual's work, goals, challenges, and places where they may need help.
The sections in this template include:
- Reviewee's information: Introduction to the reviewee, including their name, picture, role, a short bio, and milestones achieved.
- How do you feel about your work?: A section for the reviewee to express their feelings about their work, if they're feeling supported, if they've been dealing with any pressure, and so on.
- What are you currently working on?: List of projects they're currently working on and their progress.
- What are your next priorities and long-term goals?: A place to discuss the reviewee's immediate priorities and long-term objectives.
- Do you have any challenges with your team?: How is their relationship with other teammates? Is there anything that's hindering their work?
- What specific areas do you need help with?: The changes they'd like to see and skills they want to improve on.
- Anything else?: Any additional questions they want to ask.
- Remarks by reviewer: A section for the reviewer to provide comments, feedback, or notes based on the previous sections.